Rev. Dr. Jason Radcliff
Head of SchoolRev. Dr. Jason Radcliff
Head of School
Mrs. Tamra Hopkins
Dean of AcademicsMrs. Tamra Hopkins
Dean of Academics
Mrs. Ann Baker
Dean of the Grammar SchoolMrs. Ann Baker
Dean of the Grammar School
Mr. Jonathan Kimmel
Dean of the Upper SchoolMr. Jonathan Kimmel
Dean of the Upper School
Mrs. Rebecca Liga
KindergartenMrs. Rebecca Liga
Mrs. Laurie Miller
1st GradeMrs. Laurie Miller
1st Grade
Mr. Chris Mancuso
2nd GradeMr. Chris Mancuso
2nd Grade
Mrs. Laurie McCaskill
3rd GradeMrs. Laurie McCaskill
3rd Grade
Miss Lucy Hopkins
4th GradeMiss Lucy Hopkins
4th Grade
Ms. Meg Murphy
5th GradeMs. Meg Murphy
5th Grade
Mrs. Colleen Trouwborst
6th GradeMrs. Colleen Trouwborst
6th Grade
Mrs. Brittany Caruana
Assistant to the Head of School & Upper School AssistantMrs. Brittany Caruana
Assistant to the Head of School & Upper School Assistant
Mrs. Lisa Catalano
ArtMrs. Lisa Catalano
Miss Corinne DuBois
Rhetoric HistoryMiss Corinne DuBois
Rhetoric History
Mr. Greg DuBois
Rhetoric Humanities & DramaMr. Greg DuBois
Rhetoric Humanities & Drama
Mrs. Tamiko Goto Everson
Grammar School Latin, Upper School Spanish, RegistrarMrs. Tamiko Goto Everson
Grammar School Latin, Upper School Spanish, Registrar
Mrs. Diane Gullie
Grammar School Assistant & FinancesMrs. Diane Gullie
Grammar School Assistant & Finances
Mr. Phil Hale
Dialectic & Rhetoric Math & ScienceMr. Phil Hale
Dialectic & Rhetoric Math & Science
Coach Ben Hopkins
Dean of Athletics; Head Rowing Coach, Dialectic Math & ScienceCoach Ben Hopkins
Dean of Athletics; Head Rowing Coach, Dialectic Math & Science
Coach Ashley McCaskill
Grammar School Physical EducationCoach Ashley McCaskill
Grammar School Physical Education
Mr. Chris Miller
Grammar School Music & Dialectic DramaMr. Chris Miller
Grammar School Music & Dialectic Drama
Mrs. Cynthia Moore
Dialectic & Rhetoric ScienceMrs. Cynthia Moore
Dialectic & Rhetoric Science
Ms. Sarah Schutz
Rhetoric MathMs. Sarah Schutz
Rhetoric Math
Mrs. Melody Stasik
Dialectic DramaMrs. Melody Stasik
Dialectic Drama
Mr. John Vazquez
Dialectic & Rhetoric HistoryMr. John Vazquez
Dialectic & Rhetoric History
Dr. Tarik Wareh
Dialectic & Rhetoric Ancient Languages and ClassicsDr. Tarik Wareh
Dialectic & Rhetoric Ancient Languages and Classics
Mr. Jeremy West
Rhetoric MusicMr. Jeremy West
Rhetoric Music
Mrs. Lea Williams
Dialectic LiteratureMrs. Lea Williams
Dialectic Literature
Ms. Kristen Zingg
Rhetoric Humanities & DramaMs. Kristen Zingg
Rhetoric Humanities & Drama

Mr. Jonathan Kimmel
Dean of the Upper School

Mrs. Rebecca Liga

Mrs. Laurie Miller
1st Grade

Mr. Chris Mancuso
2nd Grade

Mrs. Laurie McCaskill
3rd Grade

Miss Lucy Hopkins
4th Grade

Ms. Meg Murphy
5th Grade

Mrs. Colleen Trouwborst
6th Grade

Mrs. Brittany Caruana
Assistant to the Head of School & Upper School Assistant

Mrs. Lisa Catalano

Miss Corinne DuBois
Rhetoric History

Mr. Greg DuBois
Rhetoric Humanities & Drama

Mrs. Tamiko Everson
Grammar School Latin, Upper School Spanish, Registrar

Mrs. Diane Gullie
Grammar School Assistant & Finances

Mr. Phil Hale
Dialectic & Rhetoric Math & Science

Coach Ben Hopkins
Dean of Athletics; Head Rowing Coach, Dialectic Math & Science

Coach Ashley McCaskill
Grammar School Physical Education

Mr. Chris Miller
Grammar School Music & Dialectic Drama

Mrs. Cynthia Moore
Dialectic & Rhetoric Science

Ms. Sarah Schutz
Rhetoric Math

Mrs. Melody Stasik
Dialectic Drama

Mr. John Vazquez
Dialectic & Rhetoric History

Dr. Tarik Wareh
Dialectic & Rhetoric Ancient Languages and Classics

Mr. Jeremy West
Rhetoric Music

Mrs. Lea Williams
Dialectic Literature