Admission Requirements for Students
A child should reach the age of five years by June 1st for boys and September 1st for girls of the fall in which he/she enters kindergarten. While age is a good indicator of preparedness for kindergarten it is not an absolute indicator. Students will be evaluated on an individual basis with the interests of the child and the broader class superseding all other interests. Every child must successfully pass the entrance tests for reading and math and complete any necessary remedial work before entering the school.
Parents of children with known special needs applying to Augustine Classical Academy should make an appointment with the school to discuss their educational program.
If the new student has taken any standardized test, the student should have earned national scores of at least 50% or higher in reading, math, and language (as appropriate to age level). It should be noted that the academic program at Augustine Classical Academy tends to be a challenge with varying degrees of difficulty for students coming into the program midstream. Should a student have had academic difficulties in his previous program the likelihood of compounding that difficulty would be great were he/she to be placed in the next successive grade at Augustine Classical Academy. All appeals for diverging from or waiving the requirements of this policy should be submitted in writing to the school.
The child should understand that his/her parents have, in a limited sense, delegated their authority to the school ("in loco parentis"). Therefore, he/she is subject to the instruction of the faculty and staff in their prescribed roles at Augustine Classical Academy.
The school may withdraw acceptance at any point during the admissions process when it becomes apparent that Augustine Classical Academy will not be a suitable environment for a particular child or family.
Admission Requirements for Parents
The Augustine community is together committed to the rich and deep historical, biblical, and evangelical faith passed down from the church fathers as expressed in the early ecumenical creeds. Rooted in this classic evangelical tradition and its Patristic, Medieval, and Reformational expression, our school strives to be a place of charity and catholicity for all Christians committed to these essentials of the faith and we are delighted to have families from the Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox traditions as a part of our community. See here for Augustine's Statement of Faith and here for Augustine's Statement on Human Sexuality, from which standpoint Augustine faculty teach.